Stanford on Soar St John the Baptist


Key to Windows

Note: In addition to the “ground floor” windows indicated in the plan, and listed below, there is a clerestory with four windows on each side.

1TheEast Window

The window tracery is of Decorated style; the glass in the window is nineteenth century.

This is a three-light window. The centre light shows the crucifixion. On the right is Christ carrying his cross, and on the left an angel speaking to the women at the empty tomb.

Two brass plates nearby are inscribed:

Samuel Francis Dashwood died 18th September 1826. Lydia Broughton Dashwood died 25th March 1850. This window was erected in their memory by their surviving children
To the Glory of God-the stained glass in this window was offered in memory of Samuel Vere Dashwood, for 49 years Rector of this parish who died November 10th 1876, age 72 by his seventeen children and his surviving sister

2On the south side of the sanctuary:

A two-light window depicting the archangels St Raphael and St Uriel.

In the lower section of the window are the words of the Sanctus:

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts
heaven and earth are full of Thy Glory
Glory be to Thee, O Lord most High. Amen.

A pair to this window can be seen on the north side of the sanctuary.

3This is in the middle of the south wall of the chancel.

Two lights, depicting the evangelists St Matthew and St Mark.

4A two-light window at the western end of the south wall of the chancel.

Depicted in the window are the evangelists St Luke and St John. This and the previous window are clearly designed as a pair.

Clearly visible from the outside of the building is a former low-level opening below this window.

5A plain glass window with Perpendicular tracery.

This is located at the eastern end of the south aisle. Seen from the outside it is clear that this window and the previous abut very closely.

6In the South Aisle

A three-light window depicting St Michael, St Centurio and St George.

(Although there is no saint regularly known as “St Centurio”, the title is sometimes used for St Marcellus of Tingis, who was martyred by the sword on 28th July 298 whilst serving as a “centurio ordinarius” and, being a Christian, having publicly cast down his weaponry and symbols of office.)

The window was donated in memory of Charles Lewes Dashwood

7A plain glass, three-light Perpendicular window, in the south aisle just to the east of the main south door.

8In the South Aisle, just to the west of the door.

A three-light window dedicated in memory of Charlotte Amy Ratcliffe who died 17th July 1891. The theme of the window is the story of the empty tomb.

The inscription in the left-hand light reads:

In loving memory of Charlotte
Amy Ratcliffe    July 17 1891

Across the other two lights the inscription reads:

For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also
which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him    1 Thess iv 14

9A window at the west end of the church, above the west tower door.

This is a three-light window depicting the St John the Baptist preaching to the crowd.

10There is a two-light window of plain glass at the western end of the north aisle.

11A plain glass window in the north wall. When seen from the outside it is clear that this window has been inserted in place of a former, earlier, north doorway.

12In the North Aisle

A two-light window depicting St Chad and St Hugh

13A two-light window depicting St Columba and St Aidan

14,15Two plain glass windows on the north side, opening into the organ chamber and vestry.

16A two-light window on the north side of the sanctury.

This depicts the archangels St Michael and St Gabriel. It is clearly intended to be a pair with Window 2, which faces it on the south side. The words in the lower part of the window are the preface to the Sanctus from the Book of Common Prayer:

Therefore with Angels & Archangels, & with all
the company of heaven, we laud and magnify Thy
glorious name; ever-more praising Thee & saying:


Looking up at the
north clerestory windows

There is a clerestory comprising four fairly large plain glass Perpendicular windows on each side of the church.