Key Stages 1 & 2:
Key Stages 2 & 3:
Key Stage 3:
The History and Life of ChurchesDVD - launched April 2012 - available now!
We have worked with Serious Media to create a short DVD to present the living church to children and young people: Showing what happens in these amazing historical buildings and how the building and artefacts are used in worship. Starting from the point of looking at the heritage of the buildings, the DVD goes on to explore...
Other elements
The DVD has many uses but is aimed at enabling churches and teachers to help the teaching of Christianity in schools, with a particular focus on key stages 2 & 3.
We are very grateful to St Mary's church, Sutton-in-Ashfield and St Helen's church, Stapleford for allowing us to film during their services and events.
More clips (YouTube): What is 'Church' to you? - interview What is 'Prayer' to you? - interview Why is Holy Communion important to you? - interview Church through the week - interview Children describe their school visit to a church