Art & Design - church artefacts

A lectern is a stand with a slanted top used to support a bible from which passages are read during a church service.
The word ‘lectern’ comes from the Latin word ‘lectus’ which means "to read".
In a church, the lectern is usually the stand on which the Bible rests and from which the "lessons" or readings from Scripture are read during the service. These might be read or chanted depending on the church. The lectern is normally set in front of the pews, so that the reader or speaker faces the congregation.
Lecterns are often made of wood, and sometimes from brass in the shape of an eagle. The eagle symbolizes the word of God being spread across the world. Lecterns might be either fixed in place or portable.
A typical brass lectern in the shape of an eagle with outstretched wings. Look at each picture to observe the way the brass has been formed to create the effect of eagles wings.
A traditional lectern, made from wood, in the shape of an eagle with outstretched wings. |
This lectern dates back to 1869. It is made from brass and iron with a conical base, twisted decorative stem, and iron filigree bookstand. At the base of this lectern are four brass plaques depicting the symbols of the four gospel writers – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. |
This lectern is of a very unusual design. It is made entirely of painted wood, quite narrow, with two side uprights joined by a centre piece. All three pieces have pierced vertical slots terminated by lancet heads. The pierced edges are decorated in gold and with the rest of the woodwork painted bright green. |