Social Cohesion
Note to teachers: This task is suggested as an extension task for more able students.
Key Question:
What is the story of people built around the church?
This question can be broken down into 2 other questions:
What evidence is there that a story of people in the past has been built around the church?
Is there evidence that story is continuing? If so, in what ways is it continuing?
To answer these tasks you need to start on the home page of the Church History & Open Churches website.
How to use the website |
When looking for the church click on the Heritage tab on the home page. |
At the bottom of the page is an alphabetical list of all churches. To find the church to research please click on the initial letter as below e.g. C for Caunton St Andrew... |
it is suggested that you choose one of the following churches on the website in order to complete the task:
When you have chosen the church to research you will need a map that shows the location of that church with clearly marked streets, areas of land etc.
Your task is to produce a powerpoint presentation that answers the 2 questions above.
To do this you might want to consider answering the following questions:
- Looking at a map of the area around the church, are there street names that are influenced by the church e.g. Church Lane, St ...(the name of the church) Road etc.? Are there areas of land around the church that are linked to the church? e.g. Glebe Field, Glebe Lane.
Using the website find the church you have chosen to research. Find out from this the names of families connected to the church – the Introduction, History and Monuments areas will be the best to use. Try to build up a picture of who these people were.
- Were they connected to each other in any way?
- Were they famous?
- Did they live in the community?
- Did they do anything significant in the community?
- What part has the church played in the lives of those people?
- Why/how are they remembered in the church?
Use the Churchyard area of the church's entry. Who is especially honoured in the churchyard?
Are there some family graves? Who are they? Were they significant people in the community?
If possible visit someone who lives in the community now (this could be the vicar) or invite them into school to talk to you.
- What part does the church play in the community now?
- Are any descendents of the people you have found out about still living in the community?
- How is the church used by people?
- Are there baptisms, weddings and funerals there?
What is the story of people built around the church? Produce a powerpoint based on your research.