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Task 1
Choose 3 of the clips. Listen to each one a few times. Listen carefully and then plot the notes in the music as it goes up and down.
Compare the tones of the different instruments. Which instrument has the widest range of notes? Which has the most limited?
Compare the tones and range with contemporary musical instruments.
Are the instruments like contemporary western musical instruments in how they look and how they sound?
Listen to a trumpet – does it sound like a Hebrew ram’s horn? How is it similar? Is the range of notes the same?
Listen to some of the other Hebrew instruments and try to find a contemporary western instrument that sounds the same or similar.
Compare its range of notes.
Task 2
Choose 2 clips of music – Consider the emotions that are being conveyed by the music. At what occasions might it be appropriate music
to play – a wedding, a funeral, to put words to and make into a song? Explain why it would be good for your choice of event.
Compose a piece of music for a Hebrew celebration. Think about how you want people to feel as they listen to and share in the music.
What celebration is it? What instruments would you want to use to play the piece of music on? Why? How would the instrument/s chosen help
to convey the feelings you want to express at the occasion?