Music - key stage 3
Looking at Biblical instruments

Angels playing instruments – St Peter's Nottingham Chancel screen
Can you identify the instruments being played by the angels?
Task 1
The Bible includes many references to music and instruments – look up these references (in a Bible or by clicking on the links to BibleGateway.com) and create a poster that identifies the instruments and illustrates them.
Psalm 33 v2
Psalm 81 v2
Psalm 147 v 7
Daniel 3 v 7
Daniel 3 v 15
Judges 11 v 34
Joshua 6 v16
Psalm 47 v5
Psalm 150 v 5
Browse the following websites for images of what these instruments might have looked like
Note to teachers: These websites have some good illustrations of what the Hebrew instruments would have looked like but I wouldn't
recommend that the students were invited to use the text of the website without lots of support from the teacher.