Key Stages 2 & 3:
GeographyRole of the Church in the community
This task is to look at two contrasting communities, one inner city, the other rural. To explore how the church building in those communities, and the people in the Church, respond to the needs and challenges of living and working in that community. The task is in 2 parts: 1. Finding out about the characteristics of the contrasting communities and the challenges of each one. 2. Considering the issues facing the churches in these communities and how they might be impacting them, addressing the challenges identified.
Getting into the task:
Before you begin you will need to start at the homepage of this website.
Part 1 Using maps of Nottingham City Centre and North Nottinghamshire, find the churches you are looking at. From the maps, make notes about the area around the churches. This should include:
You might want to consider the following:
Transport – Rural... restricted transport, few buses, no trams, maybe no train line. Difficult for some to get to other places without their own car. Add your ideas to these.
Taking it further:Now use 2 additional websites to explore this area further:
How do these confirm or challenge the list you have already made? Add to your list and develop it in more detail
Part 2
Questions to ask:
Look back at your presentation of issues faced by these communities. Using the 2 websites answer the questions above.
Neither of these websites will tell you in an obvious way what the church is doing with regards to all these issues, you will need to analyse and evaluate the evidence on the websites and draw and justify your conclusions.
How far do you think the churches in these communities are dealing with the issues faced by people?
Use evidence from your research to support your answer.
What more could they do to support people and deal with the issues?