Key Stages 1 & 2:
Key Stages 2 & 3:
Key Stage 3:
History - Every Building Tells a StoryCreative WritingActivity 4Choose one of the following churches. If you haven't already used the website follow the instructions on ‘How do I find a church on the Open Churches website?’
Imagine yourself arriving at this place in a period of history. You will need to determine when this is by looking at the website material and deciding when would be a good time to choose. Maybe the Reformation? The industrial revolution? The first or second world war? Produce a piece of creative writing where you put yourself in that community at that period in history. Keep referring back to the website as this will be able to help you answer these questions and develop your piece of writing. You will of course need to refer to previous learning. You might want to consider the following questions:
Further suggested tasks are on the Teachers page |