View of the church

South Wheatley

St Helen

Newark Archdeaconry

Bassetlaw and Bawtry Deanery


This stone church has been a ruin since 1883.

The narrow Norman chancel arch, low, of two orders remains although very decayed. Also standing is the west tower, two-stage Perpendicular, ashlared and without buttresses. It contained one bell at one time, but not since 1896. However, the late 17th century three-bell wooden frame remains.

The Transitional font bowl, which stood on a squared embattled base, was transferred to St Catharine’s church, Nottingham.

Several other artefacts were transferred to North Wheatley St Peter and St Paul.

Particular thanks to Tim Southall and Dr Christopher Brooke for research on this entry,
with additional help from George Dawson and Professor Michael Jones
and to Dr Christopher Brooke and Geoff Dawson for the photographs