Open Churches Weekends
The Open Churches Weekends ran as an annual event in the Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham from 2010 to 2013, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Now that the funding has come to an end we encourage churches to put on their own open days and to join the Annual Ride and Stride event in aid of the Notts Historic Churches Trust.
Ride and Stride takes place on the second weekend in September, coninciding with the national Heritage Open Days.
Archived material:
Guidelines on how to welcome visitors (pdf)
Ideas for activities & events
Ecclesiastical's views and tips for open churches (
Tower tours - health & safety advice (pdf by Ecclesiastical)
Tower tours - resource pack (pdf by Heritage Inspired, courtesy of Divine Inspiration)
2010 review (pdf)
2011 press release template (MS Word Document)
2011 Evening Post article (jpg)
2012 press release about Christ Church, Newark
2012 Open Churches and the Great Notts Bike Ride
2013 Advanced search facility

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