Gotham St LawrenceGlass
Window typical of
many in the church |
The majority of windows in the church have diamond shaped leaded glazing bars
in which plain quarries, ie diamond shaped pieces of glass have been inserted.
Horizontal leaded bars support two rows of these quarries which are placed sequentially
up the height of the windows. From the position of these horizontal bars shown
in a drawing of the church in 1835 it would appear that the church windows have
been re-glazed since that time. All the windows in the church and tower are
glazed except those windows and openings on the tower above the clock faces
and in the spire itself. These openings have wooden shutters.
The clerestory has five, three-light windows on each side of the nave in the
Perpendicular style. The windows in the nave are Early English and in the chancel
they are in the Decorated style. The east window is in a modern Perpendicular
A few of the windows, mainly in the chancel, have tinted quarries of different
pastel shades. There are three windows with stained or painted glass decoration:
East Window. This was last replaced c1790 when the chancel was reduced
in length, and was completely rebuilt in 1920 by Miss Vaughan in memory of
her family. The fine, stained glazing is in three main lights and depicts the
opening to the sepulchre where Christ’s body was placed after his crucifixion.
The centre light has an angel who has spoken the words,
‘He is not here; ... he is risen, ...’ Matthew 28.6.
On one side, a woman carries a small pitcher, and on the other, two women
are looking up at the angel. The women are, ‘Mary of Magdala, Mary
the mother of James, and Salome [who] brought aromatic oils intending to
go and anoint him.’ Mark 16.6. In the upper part of
the window are four small lights in the shape of jars containing flowers.
It is not known whether the east window ever contained stained glass imagery
before this date. It may well have been glazed with the lattice work of
different coloured small lozenge shaped pieces of glass, set in lead, found
in the other windows in the chancel.
window in memory of the Rev Henry Maturin Finny sometime curate of this church
who died in 1865, aged 35.
Engraved glass side panels at the entrance to the church, more modern with
a delicate plant motif. These are in memory of Grace Mary Forrest, organist
of the church for 40 years, who died 23 December 1977.