Nottingham St Thomas
Originally there was plain glass in the large round-topped windows when the
building was erected in 1855. When the Church of England took over in 1873
the intention was to replace them with stained glass. This scheme was never
In June 1899 four new clerestory windows were dedicated. The first was given
by J T Spalding, the second by E F Milthorp, the third by Freemasons
attending the church, and the fourth by the rest of the congregation. It was
hoped to replace the remaining six windows, so completing the scheme of illustration,
typifying ‘the fruits of the spirit’. That this was never done
seems apparent from a remark made by the Rev Charles Davis in March 1922. ‘Everything
is harmonious, and we should have completed the task of filling in the windows
with stained glass but for the threat to close the church down.’