Ossington Holy RoodReferences
Unpublished sources
Egerton MS 3566B - enclosure of Wadnall field, 1844
Egerton Charters 3915-17, 4114, 4960-1, 4974, 5001, 5004, 5021, 5025 - various
leases at Ossington, 1614 et seq.
Egerton Ch. 4621 - inquisition on death of Humphrey Roos, 1522
Harleian Charter, 44 E 21 - chapter of Hospitallers at Ossington, 1206
Topham Charter 14 - charter of Robert de Burun, early C13
Palace Library)
EC 59794 - Correspondence and induction of priests, 1933-8
DD WW 1/7 |
charter of John son of John de Lek’, mentioning Henry, late
Deacon of Ossington, late C13 |
PR 2775 |
Notes of Sale of Ossington Estate, with list of plate given
in 1775 |
PR 2776 |
Notes on Ministers of Ossington; notes on Registers; Memorandum
c. 1834 |
PR 2279 |
Church Wardens and Overseers Poor Book, C18 |
PR 11,062 |
List of Burials in vault, 1889 |
PR 11,063 |
plan of burials in Mausoleum, late C19 |
PR 11,065 |
George Cooper-Abbs explains his window, c. 1946 |
PR 11,078 |
extract from letters of William, archbishop of York, licensing
new church, 19 Oct. 1784 |
PR 11,095 |
Plan of Pew Holders, 1802 |
PR 11,097 |
Notes on Snowden’s charity, 1829 |
PR 11,100 |
Book of Common Prayer (London 1745) given by George Cartwright
to church |
Denison Papers:
De B 14/1-2 |
sketch maps of Ossington fields, c. 1764 |
De B 17/1-2 |
Receipts and disbursements, 1768-85 |
De B 18/1-2 |
Memoranda Book, 1771-79 |
De B 19/1 |
Memoranda Book, c. 1760-1781 |
De B 20 |
Plan of Ossington parish, 1786 |
De B 23 |
Memoranda Book, 1786-9 |
De B 35-39 |
five plans and elevations of the Temple at Ossington, 1782-6 |
De H 45 |
Letters Book, 1777-9 |
De H 46 |
Letters Book, 1780-1 |
De H 47 |
Accounts of Executors of Robert Denison, 1788-9 |
De 2P 11-16 |
architectural plans, 1782-6 |
De 2P 160 |
plans of grounds of Ossington Hall, late C18 |
De 2P 161 |
new church shown in relation to Ossington House, post 1783 |
De 2P 163 |
church and mausoleum in relation to Ossington House, post
1783 |
De 2P 167 |
letter of Arthur Buckles to John Denison re Sundial, 1812 |
DL 384 |
Correspondence re Ossington Trust and Church of the Holy
Name, 1912 |
Os C 4,5,13,
14,16,22 |
letters relating to the tutorship of Charles Drury and friendship
with Denisons, 1818-25 |
Published sources
Dugdale, William, Monasticon Anglicanum, ed. J. Caley et al., 8 vols.
London 1817-30
Hodgkinson, R. F. B., ‘Extracts from the Act Books of the Archdeacons
of Nottingham’, T[ransactions of the] T[horoton] S[ociety], 29
(1925), 19-67; 30 (1926), 11-57.
Larking, Lambert K. and Kemble, John Mitchell, The Knights Hospitallers
in England ... 1338, Camden Society 1857
[The National Archives (Public Record Office)], Calendars of Charter Rolls;
Calendars of Close Rolls; Calendars of Patent Rolls; Calendars of Papal Letters;
Calendars of Papal Petitions; Curia Regis Rolls, v.
Nottinghamshire Visitation 1662-1664, ed. K. S. S. Train, T[horoton]
S[ociety], R[ecord] S[eries], xiii (1949)
Ollard, S. L. and Walker, P. C., Archbishop Herring’s Visitation
Returns, 1743, vol. iv (Yorks. Archaeological Society, RS, 1930)
Rotuli Hundredorum, 2 vols. London 1812-18
Rufford Charters, ed. Christopher J. Holdsworth, 4 vols., TS, RS xxix
(1972), xxx (1974), xxxii (1980) and xxxiv (1981)
The Compton Census of 1676. A Critical Edition, ed. Anne Whiteman,
with the assistance of Mary Clapinson, London 1986
The Register of William Melton, Lord Archbishop of York, 1317-1340,
ed. Rosalind M. T. Hill, David Robinson, Reginald Brocklesby and T. C. B. Timmins,
5 vols. The Canterbury and York Society, vols. LXX (1970), LXXI (1978), LXXVI
(1988), LXXXV, (1997), XCIII (2002)
‘Under the Heavy Clouds’. The Church of England in Derbyshire
and Nottinghamshire 1911-1915. The Parochial Visitation of Edwyn Hoskyns, bishop
of Southwell, ed. Michael Austin, Cardiff 2004
Watts, M. R., Religion in Victorian Nottinghamshire: The Religious Census
of 1851, 2 vols. University of Nottingham 1988
Wood, A. C., ‘An Archiepiscopal Visitation of 1603', TTS,
46 (1942), 3-14
Wood, A. C., ‘The Nottinghamshire Presentment Bills of 1587', A
Miscellany of Nottinghamshire Records, TS, RS xi (1945), 1-42
Secondary literature
[anon], ‘The Peckham Brass at Ossington’, TTS, 9 (1905),
Briscoe, J. P., [The Memorial Brass of Reynald and Elizabeth Peckham in Ossington
Church], TTS, 6 (1902), 65-9
Crossley, E. W., ‘The Preceptory of Newland’, Yorkshire Archaeological
Society, Record series, lxi (1920), 1-83
Dawson, George, The Church Bells of Nottinghamshire, 3 vols. 1994-5
Evans, H. F. O., ‘Palimpsest Brasses at Ossington, Nottinghamshire’,
Trans. of the Monumental Brass Soc., 10 (1966), 303-10
Frecknall, T., Ossington, the Denisons and their world (2013)
Foulds, Trevor, ‘The Foundation of Lenton Priory and a Reconstruction
of its Lost Cartulary’, TTS, 92 (1988), 34-42
Godfrey, John Thomas, The History of the Parish and Priory of Lenton in
the County of Nottingham, London and Derby 1884
Hewlings, Richard, ‘Soane’s Designs for Ossington’, Architectural
History, 27 (1984) [Design and Practice in British Architecture: Studies
in Architectural History presented to Howard Colvin], 270-80
Johnson, H. A., ‘The Architecture of Ossington Hall, Nottinghamshire,
c. 1728-1963', TTS, 84 (1980), 48-58
Kerry, Chas., ‘Annals of Horeston and Horsley’, Journal of
the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, x (1888), 16-27
Marchant, R. A., ‘Restoration of Nottinghamshire Churches 1635-40',
TTS, 65 (1961), 57-93
McCutcheon, W. S., Winkburn Church, 1970
Pevsner, Nikolaus, Buildings
of England: Nottinghamshire, 2nd edn.
London 1979
Sanders, I. J., English baronies. A Study of their Origin and Descent 1086-1327,
Oxford 1960
Tate, W. E., Parliamentary Land Enclosures in the County of Nottingham
during the 18th and 19th centuries (1743-1868), TS, RS v (1935)
‘The Preceptory of Ossington’, Victoria County History, Nottinghamshire,
ed. W. Page, ii (1913), 142-4
Thompson, Kenneth G., The Church of the Holy Rood, Ossington: The Church
in the Wood, Privately published, c. 1964
Thoroton, Robert, The Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, 1677; ed. and
enlarged by John Throsby, 3 vols. 1790-6, reprinted 1972, with introduction
by M. W. Barley and K. S. S. Train
Train, K. S. S., Lists of the Clergy of Central Nottinghamshire, TS,
RS, xv (1954)
Train, K. S. S., Lists of the Clergy of North Nottinghamshire, TS,
RS, xx (1961)
Wilson, Richard G., ‘The Denisons and Milneses: Eighteenth-Century Merchant
Landowners’, Land and Industry: The Landed Estate and the Industrial
Revolution, ed. J. T. Ward and R. G. Wilson, Netwon Abbot 1974, 145-71
Wilson, Richard G., ‘Ossington and the Denisons’, History Today
18 (1968), 164-72
Wragg, Brian, The Life and Work of John Carr of York, ed. Giles Worsley,
York 2000