Plumtree St Mary
Some walls contain a large variety of different stones.
West face of tower (upper part):
Triassic sandstone.
Around west window:
Triassic sandstone mouldings
Around west door:
Norman arches - grey lias limestone, Lincolnshire limestone (oolitic and
Lower part - reddened carboniferous sandstone.
Above, string course in line with west window - sandstone cobbles from local
Arch of inset later doorway - Lincolnshire limestone.
North face of tower:
Mainly Triassic sandstone blocks.
North wall:
Triassic sandstone.
White Mansfield limestone.
Mansfield red magnesian or dolomitic limestone.
East wall:
Triassic sandstone.
Mansfield white magnesian limestone.
Carboniferous sandstone.
South face near priest’s door:
Triassic sandstone.
Reddened carboniferous sandstone (replacement)
Lincolnshire limestone
South wall around Hopkinson window:
Mainly grey lias sandstone, with reddish cobbles.
Triassic sandstone (window moulding blocks).
South porch:
Mainly Triassic sandstone with some harder carboniferous sandstone around
door mouldings.
South face of tower:
Lower part - mainly lias limestone with cobbles from local drift.
Blind arcading - lias limestone.
Buttress - Triassic sandstone, red Mansfield stone (?), Lincolnshire limestone.
Upper part - Triassic sandstone.
Thanks to Dr Graham Lott of British Geological Survey,
Keyworth, who supplied this information.