Saundby St Martin
Click the numbers in the key plan for details of the items.
North Aisle
All the windows are by Kempe and were installed in 1890.
Detail of
Window 1
The west window of the north aisle shows, from left to right,
Melchizedek, Isaiah and David.
Detail of
Window 2
The window in the centre of the north wall depicts three bishops.
Window 3 |
Detail of
Window 3
The east window in the north wall of the north aisle portrays, from left to right, St Peter, St Paul and St John.
Detail of
Window 4
The east window of the north aisle depicts the Blessed Virgin Mary and Child with angels.
The windows in the north and south chancel walls are by Charles Eamer Kempe and were installed in 1885.
Detail of Window 5 |
The north window of the chancel shows the Annunciation.
6. The east window, depicting the Crucifixion, is by Clayton and Bell and dates from 1865.
Detail of Window 7 |
The east window in the south wall of the chancel depicts the Nativity.
Detail of Window 8 |
The west window of the south wall of the chancel shows the
Presentation in the Temple.
The three windows on the south side of the nave are also by Kempe and were installed in 1890.
Detail of Window 9 |
The east window in the south wall of the nave depicts St Martin dividing his cloak.
Detail of Window 10 |
The subject of the centre window in the south wall of the nave is Christ after
the Resurrection.
Detail of Window 11 |
The westernmost window in the south wall of the nave shows St Martin’s
Vision of Christ.
Medieval glass |
There is a panel in the centre of the west (tower) window containing fragments of 15th century glass.