Bunny St Mary
In 1349 the church was in a state of arrested reconstruction due to the Black
Death. The highly skilled artisans and stonemasons working on the church must
have been among the victims as the work stopped. It was only continued after
an injunction from the Archbishop of York in 1354 issued to the Priory. In
addition the Priory had to install a vicar and erect a vicarage. It is possible
today to see where the work was halted and the different workmanship when the
work recommenced. A distinct change of style can be seen at the top of the
uprights on either side of the side windows.
The nave and aisles were built of loosely-coursely rubble, quite different
from the hewn squared stone of the later 14th Century chancel and tower. The
south porch with its stone seats was added in the 15th Century.