Cinderhill Christ ChurchReferences
Archival Sources
Nottinghamshire Archives
PR 28,804 |
Consecration of Christ Church as Chapel of Ease, 19th June 1856. |
PR 28,805 |
Map of the Boundaries of Cinderhill Chapelry, May 1896. |
PR 28,831 |
Christ Church Vestry Minutes 1898-1934 |
PR 28,839 |
Parochial Register 1898. |
PR 28,840/1-21 |
Return of Parochial Statistics 1906-08; 1910-27. |
PR 28,810/1/2 |
Faculty for window in memory of Emily Seely, 22nd October 1897. |
PR 28,811/1 |
Faculty for new oak choir seats, desks and lectern. Also to remove brick
floor of chancel and to replace with glazed tiles, 21st December 1898. |
PR 28,811/4 |
Notes on decorative features of new vestry, 1902. |
PR 28,812 |
Faculty for second vestry, 9th July 1902. |
PR 28,813 |
Faculty for three stained glass windows, 2nd July 1913. |
PR 28,814/1 |
Faculty for window and tablet in memory of Lieut. Col. George Herbert
Fowler and the Officers and Men of the 8th Battalion Sherwood Foresters
who fell in October 1915 in the attack on the Hohenzollen Redoubt, 30th
October 1919. |
PR 28,815 |
Faculty for memorial tablet for George Fowler, churchwarden, 28th September
1923. |
PR 28,806 |
Faculty re Assignment of District Chapelry, 5th February 1929. |
PR 28,807 |
Vicar of Basford surrenders patronage of Christ Church to the Bishop
of Southwell, 21st February 1929. |
PR 28,816 |
Faculty for erection of oak chancel screen, 19th September 1924. |
PR 28,817 |
Faculty for replacing present organ with another, 2nd September 1930. |
PR 28,801/1 |
Letter from Southwell Diocesan Board of Finance about proposal to buy
house for a Vicarage, 10th June 1947. |
PR 28,803 |
Deed of Appropriation of Part of Church Site as Parsonage Site, December
1950. Plan of Church and Parsonage Site. |
PR 28,820 |
Faculty to erect on west wall a reproduction of Perugio Triptych and
a memorial tablet for Mabel Pallant. Also to replace metal candlesticks
by ones of oak, 30th October 1948. |
PR 25,857/1 |
Assignation of two parts of Bilborough Parish and one small part of Nuthall to Cinderhill, 1934. |
PR 28,824 |
Faculty to remove stone pulpit and replace by one in oak, 20th June 1957. |
PR 28,825 |
Faculty for the redecoration of the church, 11th May 1964. |
PR 28,826 |
Faculty for new oak altar, to use old altar in side chapel to be constructed
in north aisle; new silver cross and candlesticks; six old pews to be removed
and three new oak pews to face west; to make changes to stained glass windows
in nave and chancel; to build a lavatory, 18th May 1965. |
PR 28,828 |
Faculty for brass memorial plaques for Thomas Morecroft and George Vickers,
9th June 1982. |
PR 28,795 |
Men from Cinderhill Chapelry who laid down their lives 1914-19. |
Pamphlets 22 A-R
W. Bond, ed., Cinderhill Parish Church: The First Hundred Years 1856-1956.
The diaries of William Bond from the parish magazine of Christ Church October
1964 - April 1971.
Welcome to Christ Church, Cinderhill - church pamphlet.
Sheila O’Connor,ed., The Story of a Church Past and Present (2006).
Southwell Diocesan Magazine
Vol. XII Nos. 131-142, 1899. Restoration of choir
stalls and lectern.
Vol. XXXNos. 1-12, 1930 Installation of new organ.
SouthwellDiocesanChurch Calendar 1903.
Published Sources
A R Griffin, Thomas North: Mining Entrepreneur Extraordinary, Transactions
of the Thoroton Society Vol. 76, 1972.
Illustrated London News, 19th July 1856. Christ
Church, Cinderhill.
Nottingham Journal, 20th June 1856. Dedication of Christ Church,
Cinder Hill.
Nottingham Guardian, 15th March 1920. Fowler window.
Nottingham Guardian, 29th March 1920. Dedication of Great War Memorial.
Nottingham Evening Post, 17th September 1973. Church hall.
G Dawson, Church Bells of Nottinghamshire, Part 1 (1994).
Letter from Pembletons, Bellhangers & Engineers, March 1998. Bells satisfactory
but fittings require attention.
Trade Directories: White’s 1865, Morris 1869, Wright’s 1896-97 & 1898-99,
Kelly’s 1922.
W W Fyfe, Rambles round Nottingham, Vol. 1, (1856).
N Pevsner and E Williamson, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire (2nd
edn. 1979).
S O’Connor, The Story of a Church Past and Present (2006).