Mansfield Woodhouse St Edmund


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Historical Images

The church from the
south-east in 1774
The church from the
north-east in 1787
Taken from an old
painting of the church
Sketch of the
tower in 1890
Images courtesy of
The British Library

Modern Photographs

The church from the south The church from the south-east View of the east end View from the north
The tower The north aisle
from the north-west
Gargoyle Pendleton family
chest tomb
The chancel looking east The chancel looking west The interior looking east The interior looking west
The south aisle looking east The Lady Chapel Carved head on the
south nave arcade
Corbel in the
Lady Chapel
Detail of the
Digby monument
Detail of the
Dand window
The War Memorial for
the Second World War
One of the carved
pew poppyheads