Rempstone St Peter in the Rushes
The remains of the church were investigated during the 1914-18 war by Dorothy
Hartley, the daughter of the rector, and a well known writer. A plan of the
church was made by the rector. It consisted of a nave, chancel, north and south
aisles and a tower. At that time some stones were still visible.
During 1960-62 the remains of the ‘lost’ church and an ancient
moated manor house were excavated at Rempstone near Loughborough by Workers
Education Association students led by Mr Brian Williams, art master at
an East Leake school. The discovery was made half a mile from Rempstone village
and probably marks the spot of the ancient settlement.
“Nobody knew exactly the site of the lost church of St Peter in the
said Mr Williams. “We have found a Norman tower and walls [3ft]
thick. We also found fragments of stained glass and medieval tiles. We found
the church’s Norman font in a swamp. The church was pulled down in 1781
and stones from it were used to build the
present church three quarters of
a mile away.”
Near to the site to the old church remains of the moated site of a manor house
were found thought to be early medieval.