Cottam Holy Trinity
The churchyard is roughly square in shape with the church being located almost centrally, just slightly offset to the west. There are burials on all sides of the church, but grave-markers are especially prominent to the south-west corner, and clustered around the east end of the building spreading south and north. There are no grave-markers evident at the north-west corner and this may represent clearance at some point. The oldest grave-markers appear on the south-west side.
The boundaries are hedges, of varying age, to the east, west, and north sides, and on the south is a wooden fence dividing the churchyard from the adjacent farm. Unusually the churchyard at Cottam has no roadside boundary, it is accessed through the adjacent farmyard via a path at the south-east corner which leads to a very simple wooden pedestrian gate, possibly of 19th or early 20th century date, onto the road.