East Markham St John the Baptist
Click the numbers in the key plan for details of the items.
The east window was installed in 1897 and commemorates the Rev George Brameld who was vicar of East Markham from 1852 to 1896.
The Sheffield Independent, reporting on the dedication of the window and the high altar on the 23 June 1897, provides a detailed description of the subject matter:
'The window is representative of the history of the whole church, and the church of East Markham in particular. In the middle light is St Mary with the Divine child, on the right the patron of the church, St. John the Baptist ; and on the left S. Paul the patron of West Drayton, which is held jointly with East Markham. In the outer lights appear S. Hugh, of Lincoln, in which diocese the parish was originally, and S. Cuthbert (holding the head of S. Oswald), in connection with S. Cuthbert Priory of Worksop. In the tracery the same idea is carried out. In the two middle lights, S. George and S. William of York, in connection with the late Vicar, whose name was George William ; on the left the shield of Lincoln in which is St. Mary and the Divine child-which image occurs in the corresponding shield on the right-viz., Southwell, the church being in this diocese. Then on the outside are Westminster, to which the church at one time belonged, and on the other side Rouen, to which the church also belonged at one period. The two outermost shields have the arms of the Duke of Newcastle and the late vicar, Rev. George William Brameld.'
According to the Stamford Mercury it was 'designed and executed by Mr. W. Bucknall and Mr. J. N. Comper of Westminster.'
South window
of the sanctuary
Detail of window
showing St George |
Detail showing St George
and the Dragon |
The south window of the sanctuary is dedicated to Kenneth Markham Rose, the only son of Colonel and Mrs Markham Rose who was killed in action in west Africa during World War I.
The window depicts St Alban, St George and St Martin and includes scenes from their lives.
The inscription at the bottom of the window reads:
To the Glory of GOD and the memory
of Lieutenant Kenneth Markham Rose
2nd Batt. Essex Regiment the beloved and only |
surviving son of Colonel and Mrs Markham Rose
who was killed in action while leading a company
of the West African Frontier Force against |
the German troops at the Mbile river Cameroons
West Africa 3rd May 1915 Aged 25
For King and Country |
South Aisle
East window of south aisle |
Detail of window
showing medieval glass |
Detail of lower section
of window
showing inscription |
The east window was installed in 1885 in memory of Judge Markham and his son. It shows shields of arms, three of which use old stained glass (arms of Bewster or Brewster of Suffolk, Fitz-Hugh and Burdon impailing Bekeryng); the fourth shield depicting the arms of Markham at the bottom of the centre light is modern. The inscription at the bottom of the window reads:
This window was rebuilt
Ao. Dni. 1885
To the Glory of GOD
and in memory of
Judge Markham |
The Founder of
this Church
who died Ao. Dni. 1409
and of his son
John Markham |
Lord Chief Justice
of England
who died Ao. Dni. 1481
by some of
their descendents |
Easternmost window
of south aisle |
Detail of window
showing medieval glass |
Detail of lower section
of window
showing inscription |
The easternmost window in the south wall of the aisle was installed in 1885 and is in memory of Lieutenant Colonel John Kirke (d. 1826) and his three sons John (d. 1825), James (d. 1833) and Henry (d. 1858). The inscription at the bottom of the window reads:
This window was rebuilt
Ao. Dni. 1885
To the Glory of GOD
and in memory of
John Kirke Lieut Colonel
Royal Sherwood Foresters
previously Captain
24th Light Dragoons who died |
Ao. Dni. 1826 aged 49
and is buried in this
Church also of three of
his sons who died
while in the service of
their country.
John Lieut 11th Light Dragoons
died at Meerut India |
Ao. Dni. 1825 aged 25
James Lieut R.N.
died in Jersey
Ao. Dni. 1833 aged 28
Henry Colonel 12th Bengal N.I.
died in Bundelcund
during the Indian Mutiny
Ao. Dni. 1858 aged 52 |
Middle window
of south aisle |
Detail of window
showing medieval glass |
Detail of lower section
of window
showing inscription |
The middle window in the south aisle was installed in memory of Elizabeth Penrose (1780-1837), author of ‘Mrs Markham’s History of England’. She was married to the Rev John Penrose, but took the nom de plume of Markham. She had been brought up at Midfield Hall, East Markham, by her aunts, the Misses Cartwright. The inscription at the bottom of the window reads:
This window was rebuilt
Ao. Dni. 1885
To the Honour of GOD
and in memory of Eliza Daughter
of Edmund Cartwright. D.D. |
For many of her earlier years
resident in this Parish,
and afterwards wife
of the Reverend
John Penrose M.A. |
She was authoress
of Mrs Markham’s History
of England etc
and was buried in
Lincoln Minster in 1837 |
North Aisle
6. The middle window of the north aisle is in memory of Thomas Wrightman who died in 1895.
The inscription reads:
To the Glory of GOD and in memory
of Thomas Wrightman late of Averham
Notts Died 21st December 1895 Aged 84 |
East window
of north aisle |
Detail of window
Detail of window |
The east window of the north aisle is in memory of members of the Frodsham family.
The inscription at the bottom of the window reads:
To the Glory of GOD and in loving memory of
William James Holmes Frodsham Colonel 31st Regt
(East Surrey) who died 25th June 1917 aged 66 years |
Mary Rose died 11th Nov. 1911 aged 77 who gave many
years of devoted work to this Church and Parish
This window is erected by her daughter
Mrs Holmes Frodsham and her son Col. Markham Rose |
Arthur Holmes Swire Frodsham eldest son
of Colonel Frodsham who died 7th May 1901
aged 21 years. |
Glass in the south
clerestory |
There are two roundels of coloured glass in the fourth windows from the west, each in the north and south clerestory. The designs comprise a blue border with a central yellow Star of David pattern; both roundels appear to be of the 19th century.