Greasley St MaryFeatures and Fittings
The Pulpit is stone
and quite plain.
font is in the south west corner of nave. Plain stone with wooden cover. Chalice
shaped and said to be 15th century.
Two flags hang in the north aisle. The Union flag and that of the Royal
Air Force.
During the second world war, the Vicar of Greasley was Chaplain to the
RAF station at Watnall.
three-part set of slate creed and commandment board can be found in the south
west corner of the south aisle.
The entrance screen is modern, in light oak, metal and glass, fitted where
the tower joins the nave entrance and known as the West Porch Doorway.
It was installed as a memorial to Rev. Phillip Geoffrey Walker and his
wife Barbara and funded by family, friends, donations from parishioners
and the Parochial Church Council. The Archdeacon of Nottingham dedicated
it on October 22, 1989.
The Altar rails
are of light oak, turned balusters, eighteen each side. No gate in central
reredos is stone, fitted oak surrounds extending across the full width of the
chancel. Painted wooden inserts depict Christ in the centre with the four Evangelists,
two on each side of him. This was first set up in 1896 but was restored in
1948 when the east window was fitted and the chancel became a war memorial
The choir benches
are of light oak, two longer and two shorter each side of the chancel.
Modern Sanctuary Area
A Sanctuary area has been created in front of the Chancel screen of four portable
rails, two of about 2.0m and two slightly shorter, in light oak.
The Sanctuary area and all its furnishings were given by family, friends and
parishioners in 1976 in memory of Barbara Isabel Walker, wife of the Rev Philip
Walker. It was dedicated by the Bishop of Southwell in December 1976. Space
for this Sanctuary was made by removing the first three rows of pews on each
side of the nave and placing them at the end of the aisles facing inwards,
replacing small flat side pews. Three small pews have been removed at the western
end of the north aisle to create a library/resource area.