Langar St Andrew
The church building underwent considerable restoration in the 1860s during
the time of Thomas Butler. The stone that we see is predominantly Ancaster
Stone, brought from the quarry in neighbouring Lincolnshire. The quarry at
Ancaster was worked by both the Romans and the Saxons. Ancaster stone is an
oolitic limestone from the Lincolnshire Limestone formation of the middle Jurassic
The restoration attracted criticism from Pevsner who described St Andrew’s
as “a stately building of very complete Nottinghamshire type with transepts,
low battlemented roofs and central tower, but unfortunately so vigorously restored
that little of its original surface remains”.
Many examples exist showing the use of Ancaster stone in Nottinghamshire,
one of the most famous being Wollaton Hall.
The geology of the area surrounding the village of Langar comprises of mainly
Skerry Sandstone although the rock that Langar sits on is an outcrop of mainly
Lias limestone. This type of rock has resulted in the local range of low-lying