ShireoaksSt Luke the EvangelistNewark Archdeaconry Bassetlaw and Bawtry Deanery Introduction
A magnificent Victorian Church with Royal connections. The Church of St Luke
the Evangelist at Shireoaks is one of few churches in the country that can
claim direct or indirect connection with so many people and events of historic
The foundation stone was laid by the then Prince of Wales, later to become
Edward VII, on St Luke’s day, 18th October 1861. The same day
two years later saw it’s dedication.
Built in “High Church” style it was a present to the village by
the fifth Duke of Newcastle-Under-Lyne. The Duke was the owner of the colliery
at the village and commissioned the architect Thomas Chambers Hind to build
a church for his colliers who “badly want it”.
St Luke’s day remained important in the early life of the church. The
patron died on this day in 1864, following which much of the elaborate decoration
and windows were added. These additions being completed also on that day in
Now a Grade II listed building a Heritage Lottery Grant has been awarded (February
2000) to fund urgent repairs.
Particular thanks to Bernadette Ayton for research on this