Shireoaks St LukeOrgan
The Organ has been moved from its original position twice, once in 1896 when
it was moved to a chamber over where it originally stood to make a choir vestry
and then again in 1981 to its current position outside into the main body of
the church.
The following description of the work carried out to the organ in 1896 is
from the Retford Times:
The organ has undergone entire reconstruction having
been rebuilt and renovated by that eminent firm of organ builders Messrs. Foster
and Andrews of Hull under the charge of Mr. T. Malton and Mr. C.G. Dix of the
above firm. It is a vast improvement on the old organ especially flue stops
which have been entirely overhauled. One fine old stop “Keraulophan”
has acquired a fine beauty of tone. The oboe is a grand improvement with rich
tone. The bellow’s action is all new work and on the latest improvements.
Details of the organ are as follows:
Great:Open diapason, 8'
Stopped diapason, 8'
Clarabella, 8'
Keraulophon, 8'
Principal, 4'
Flute, 4'
Clarinet (reed), 8'
Fifteenth, 2'
Swell:Double diapason, 16'
Open diapason, 8'
Stopped diapason, 4'
Principal, 4'
Fifteenth, 2'
Oboe, 8'
Pedal:Grand open diapason,
Couplers:Swell to Great
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal