Sutton on Trent All Saints


Archival Sources

British Library

Add. MS. 15545 no. 45, drawing of the church from the south by S.H. Grimm, c. 1787

Add. MS. 15545 no. 46, distant view of church set in a wide landscape, by Grimm, c. 1787

Newark Public Library

Microfiche of Parish registers for Sutton on Trent: Christenings, Marriages, Burials 1584-1958 (after NA, PR 7218-7246 passim)

Anon., Notes on Sutton-on-Trent, typescript c. 1970 (Reference L 90.2 S/T)

Nottinghamshire Archives

DD 202/2

Sale of Rectory, 1678

DD 293/9

One guinea for the poor, 1797

DDP 27/26

Timber for rebuilding the rectory and vicarage after a fire, 1587

PR 6021/1-2

Provisional proposals for union of benefice with Weston and Carlton on Trent, 1949

PR 7213

Notes (modern) re ownership 1248-1673 based on extracts from Torre MSS

PR 7215

Transfer of advowson to archbishop of York, 1558

PR 7214

Appropriation of the vicarage, 1302, with description of rectory

PR 7217

Transfer of advowson to the bishop of Southwell, 1910

PR 7218-46

Parish registers, 1584-1958; particular use has been made of:


PR 7220 Parish register, including list of church furniture and terrier, 1786


PR 7221 Parish register, 1788-1820


PR 7222 Parish register, baptisms 1813-1836


PR 7227 Parish register, marriages 1786-1812


PR 7236 Parish register, burials post-1900

PR 7247/6

Return for visitation, 1743

PR 7248-9

Terriers, 1786-1911

PR 7250

Plan of glebe lands, 1911

PR 7253

Sale of glebe lands, 1910

PR 7254

Sale of glebe lands, 1920

PR 7266-7

Installation of vicarage heating system, 1927

PR 7268

Repair of the tower, 1813

PR 7273-4

Church books, 1673 and 1675

PR 7279

Installation of church heating system, 1913

PR 7281

Installation of bell frame, 1922

PR 11107-9

Correspondence over disputes concerning organ and occupation of pews, 1859-60

PR 11110

Plan of pew holders in part of the church, 1859-60

PR 17270

Order for plurality with Carlton on Trent, 1971

PR 17275

Sale of part of vicarage garden, 1959

PR 17280

Survey report, 1956

PR 17281

Plan of church, 1956

PR 23511/1-10

Visitation return, 1743

St Deiniol’s Library, Hawarden

The Rev. Stephen Glynne’s Notes, vol. 34, pp. 73-5 [photocopies provided by DAC]

Electronic Resources

CCEd Clergy of the Church of England Database (

Published Sources

Primary Sources

A Calendar of the Register of Richard Scrope, Archbishop of York, 1398-1405, ed. Robert N. Swanson, York: Borthwick Texts nos. 8 (1981) and 11 (1985)

Abstracts of the Inquisitiones Post Mortem relating to Nottinghamshire, Edward I and Edward II, 1279 to 1321, ed. John Standish, T[horoton] S[ociety], R[ecord] S[eries] iv (1914)

Abstracts of the Inquisitiones Post Mortem relating to Nottinghamshire, 1350-1436, ed. K. S. S. Train, TS, RS xii (1952)

Abstracts of the Inquisitiones Post Mortem relating to Nottinghamshire, 1437-1485, ed. Mary A. Renshaw, TS, RS xvii (1956)

Abstracts of the Inquisitiones Post Mortem relating to Nottinghamshire, Henry VII and Henry VIII, 1485-1546, ed. W. P. W. Phillimore, TS, RS iii (1905)

Archbishop Herring’s Visitation Returns, 1743, ed. S. L. Ollard and P. C. Walker (Yorks. Archaeological Soc, RS, 5 vols), iv (1930)

Beverley Minster Fasti, ed. Richard T. W. McDermid (Yorks. Archaeological Soc., RS, cxlix, 1993)

Calendar of the Close Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office, 62 vols. London 1892-1963

Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland. Papal Letters, 15 vols. London 1893-continuing

Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland. Petitions to the Pope, London 1896

Calendar of Inquisitions Miscellaneous, ii, 1307-1349, London 1916

Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office, 73 vols. London 1891-1982

Church Life in Georgian Nottinghamshire: Archbishop Drummond’s Parish Visitation Returns 1764, ed. Howard Fisher, TS, RS 46 (2012)

[The] Compton Census of 1676: A Critical Edition, ed. Anne Whiteman with Mary Clapinson, London 1986

Domesday Book [various editions and translations]

Early Yorkshire Charters, v, The Honour of Richmond, ed. C. T. Clay (Yorkshire Record Society, Extra Series, 11, 1936)

English Episcopal Acta, York 1070-1154, ed.  Janet E. Burton, Oxford 1988, nos. 71 and 105

English Episcopal Acta, York 1154-1181, ed. Marie Lovatt, London 2000. no. 111

English Episcopal Acta, York 1189-1212, ed. Marie Lovatt, London 2004, no. 81

Memorials of Beverley Minster: The Chapter Act Book of the Collegiate Church of S. John of Beverley, A.D. 1286-1347, ed. A. F. Leach, 2 vols. (The Surtees Society, 98 (1898) and 108 (1903))

Nottinghamshire Hearth Tax 1664 : 1674, ed. W. F. Webster, intro. by J. V. Becket with M. W. Barley, tables by S. C. Wallwork, TS, RS 37 (1988)

Nottingham Visitation 1662-1664, ed. K. S. S. Train, TS, RS xiii (1949)

Registrum Antiquissimum, iii, ed. C. W. Foster (Lincoln Record Society, 29, (1935)), nos. 906-910

Religion in Victorian Nottinghamshire: The Religious Census of 1851, ed. M. R. Watts, 2 vols. University of Nottingham 1988

Testamenta Eboracensia, vi, ed. J. W Clay (The Surtees Society, 106 (1902), 132-9)

The Register of William Wickwane, Lord Archbishop of York 1279-1285, ed. William Brown (The Surtees Society, 114 (1907))

The Register, or Rolls, of Walter Gray, Lord Archbishop of York with Appendices of Illustrative Documents, ed. James Raine (The Surtees Society, 56 (1870))

The Register of Walter Giffard, Lord Archbishop of York, 1266-1279, ed. W. Brown (The Surtees Society, 109 (1904))

The Register of John Le Romeyn, Lord Archbishop of York, 1286-1296, Part I, ed. W. Brown (The Surtees Society, 123 (1913))

The Registers of John Le Romeyn, Lord Archbishop of York, 1286-1296, Part II, and of Henry of Newark, Lord Archbishop of York, 1296-1299, ed. W. Brown (The Surtees Society, 128 (1916))

The Register of Thomas of Corbridge, Lord Archbishop of York, 1300-1304, ed. W. Brown and A. H. Thompson, 2 vols. (The Surtees Society, 138 (1925) and 141 (1928))

The Register of William Greenfield, Lord Archbishop of York, 1306-1315, ed. W. Brown and A. H. Thompson, 5 vols. (The Surtees Society, 145, 149, 151-3 (1931-40))

The Register of William Melton, Lord Archbishop of York, 1317-1340, ed. Rosalind M. T. Hill, David Robinson, Reginald Brocklesby and T. C. B. Timmins, 5 vols. (The Canterbury and York Society, vols. LXX, LXXI, LXXVI, LXXXV, XCIII), 1977-2002

The Register of Thomas Rotherham, Archbishop of York, 1480-1500, ed. E. E. Barker (The Canterbury & York Soc., LIX), 1976

‘Under the Heavy Clouds’: The Church of England in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire 1911-1915. The Parochial Visitation of Edwyn Hoskyns Bishop of Southwell, ed. Michael Austin, Cardiff 2004

Secondary Works

Austin, Michael, ‘A Time of Unhappy Commotion’: The Church of England and the people in central Nottinghamshire 1820-1870, Chesterfield 2010

Brown, Cornelius, A History of Newark-on-Trent, 2 vols. 1904 (reprinted Nottingham 1995)

Cameron, Alan, ‘Meering and the Meryng Family’, TTS, 77 (1973), 41-52

Cameron, Alan, ‘Bunny’s First Vicarage’, TTS, 86 (1982), 62-72

Dawson, George, The Church Bells of Nottinghamshire, 3 vols. 1994-5

Elphick, George, P., Sussex Bells and Belfries, Chichester 1970

Foster, Joseph, Alumni Oxonienses, 1500-1714, 4 vols. Oxford 1891; 1715-1886, 4 vols. Oxford, 1891

Hamilton Thompson, A., ‘The Chantry Certificate Rolls in the County of Nottingham’, TTS, 16 (1912), 91-133, 17 (1913), 59-119, 18 (1914), 83-184

Jeavons, Sidney A., Church Plate of Nottinghamshire, preface by Charles Oman, Nottingham 1965 [also published as TTS, 68 (1965)]

Jones, Michael and Elizabeth, Norwell Church and Chapel, Norwell Heritage Booklet 7, Nottingham 2013

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, ed. H. G. C. Matthews and Brian Harrison, 60 vols. Oxford 2004

Pevsner, Nikolaus, Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire, 2nd edn. ed. Elizabeth Williamson, London 1979

Robertson, Gordon, ‘Sutton on Trent’, TTS vi (1902), 82-6

Thoroton, Robert, The Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, 1677; ed. and enlarged by John Throsby, 3 vols. 1790-6, and reprinted, 3 vols. 1972, with introduction by M. W. Barley and K. S. S. Train

Train, Keith S. S., ‘Lists of the Clergy of Central Nottinghamshire’, TTS, RS, xv, parts I-III (1952-4)

Truman, Nevil, 1956-7, Ancient glass in Nottinghamshire, Journal of the British Society of Master Glass-Painters, XII, No.2, 137-9,

Venn, John and J. A., Alumni Cantabrigienses, Part I, From Earliest times to 1751, 4 vols. Cambridge 1920-7; Part II, 1752-1900, 6 vols. Cambridge 1940-54

Wood, Alfred C., ‘An Archiepiscopal Visitation of 1603’, TTS, 46 (1942), 3-14

Wood, Alfred C., ‘The Nottinghamshire Presentment Bills of 1587’, A Miscellany of Nottinghamshire Records, TS, RS xi (1945), 1-42