Farndon St Peter
The churchyard is roughly square, occupying approximately 0.3 ha. The church is positioned centrally within the churchyard and there are burials on all sides. The boundaries comprise a low brick, stone coped, wall on the south side and steel gates leading to paths, a higher brick wall and fencing on the west, a brick wall and gates to the north, and a fence to the east. There are several mature trees.
The churchyard was closed for further burials in 1893 with the exception of bodies of widowers and widows being permitted to be interred in (quote) 'earthen graves now existing in the churchyard as can be opened to a depth of five feet without exposing coffins or disturbing human remains'.
The oldest marked grave surviving is that of William Porter and his wife Ann, buried in December 1686 on the south side of the church.
One of the individuals buried in the churchyard is Archdeacon Brough Maltby alongside his wife.