Normanton-on-Trent St Matthew
Monuments and Memorials
A number of grave markers survive within the church. They are located towards the western end of the nave, although they appear to have been moved from their original positions. The earliest that can be distinguished commemorates Ann Jackson who died in 1704, along with her son Henry and his wife Esther, who are remembered in the monument to Elizabeth Hall and her husband Elizabeth, described below. There is another commemorating a member of the Killinger family, who died in 1705, and one commemorating a further member of the Jackson family, who died in 1710.
The earliest memorial which the church contains is located on the north side of the sanctuary. It commemorates Robert Curtys, who was vicar of the parish from 1675 until 1680, when he died aged 33. It comprises a fine inscribed brass plaque set into an ashlar frame decorated with trailing vines and a crest, comprising a saltire with possible boars’ heads in the quarters. The inscription reads:
M. S. Venerabilis viri Mri Roberti Curtys
presbyteri, & hujus dum fuit Ecclesiæ Vicarii
doctissimi simul et pientissimi. Honesto loco nat
e[n] in agro Derbiensi. Cantabrigia
linguis, artib[er] & scientus satis instructus, et
person[am], moribus, virtutib[us], vit[am] & exemplopane
excellans. O[lle] fuit exceptione major. Idem [pro]
rege, Ecclesi[am] Anglican[am] [pro] pace contra o[nes]
opponetes [per] severa[n]do [per]stitit. Et gregem docuit
obedie[n]tiam. Aeternu[m] diligendus. Quid plura ad
coelos hinc abiit An:Dni 1680. Annum agensae: Su 33um
Sit Deo Gloria |
This translates as: ‘Sacred to the memory of the Reverend Mr Robert Curtys priest, and whilst Vicar of this Church, both very learned and very godly. Born in an honourable station in the county of Derbyshire. At Cambridge fully versed in languages, the arts and sciences, and excellent in his person, behaviour, virtue, life and example. He was exceptional. With perseverance he supported the King and the Anglican Church and stood for peace against their enemies. And he taught his flock obedience. Forever loved. In short he made his way to Heaven in the year of our Lord 1680, aged 33 years. Glory be to God.’
On the north wall of the chancel, there is a monument erected in memory of Philip Hall, who died in 1780, his wife Elizabeth, and her parents, Henry and Esther Jackson. The plaque is of marble, and is surmounted by an urn, with a frieze and a coat of arms below. The inscription reads:
‘Sacred to the memory of Philip Hall
late of Bread Street in the City of London Esq
who after having through life maintain’d with
uniform propriety the valuable characters of
a kind and affectionate husband, a warm and
generous friend and an upright and honourable citizen,
on the 11 of May MDCCLXXX aged LXII
exchanged this mortal state for immortality.
Let those who were acquainted with his worth, shed
over his mouldering dust, the tear of sensibility.
As a testimony of regard this monument is erected
by his widow, and also to propitiate the memory of
her kind and tender father Mr Henry Jackson
who died the Xii Octobr MDCCLXXIX aged LXXXV.
Esther her dearly beloved mother relict of the said Henry Jackson departed this life
Dec 2 1782 in the 85 year of her age.
Elizabeth Hall, wife of the above Philip Hall
survived her husband nearly 37 years
and died at Newark upon Trent
universally respected,
and was buried here April 21 aged 93.
During her life she repaired
a school house in this parish
which was built by her father Henry Jackson.
She also erected four alms houses in this parish
for four poor women
and endowed them with land at Little Hale in the County Of Lincoln.’ |
By the chancel arch there is a brass plaque to Charles Gamson, who was vicar from 1899 until his death in 1919. It reads:
‘To the Glory of God
In Loving memory of
Charles Robert Gamson MA
the devoted vicar
priest of this parish.
Fell asleep 21st December 1919
Rest in Peace’ |