NottinghamSt John the BaptistNottingham Archdeaconry Nottingham South Deanery Introduction
St John the Baptist, Leenside, was built to cater for the population of working people living on the flood prone areas of Broad Marsh, Middle Marsh and, the most notorious of the three, Narrow Marsh. Collectively, these were known as the ‘Marshes’.
The new church was planned in 1842 and consecrated in 1844. It quickly established a regular congregation recording attendances of 1,600 at the three services and Sunday School held on 30 March 1851. A National school was opened in the early 1850s.
By the turn of the century the housing conditions in the parish were such that large scale demolition was planned, and by the early 1920s housing stock in the area was reduced to less than two hundred. In 1941 the church was destroyed during a German air raid. What remained of the building was subsequently demolished.
Particular thanks to Doug Fletcher for research on this entry