Darlton St Giles


Archival Sources

University of Nottingham Manuscripts and Special Collections

AN/PB 294/1/219

Published Sources

Primary Sources

'Under the Heavy Clouds’ : The Church of England in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire 1911-1915 : The parochial visitation of Edwyn Hoskyns Bishop of Southwell (edited by Michael Austin (2004))

Bailey, T., Annals of Nottinghamshire (1853)

Calendar of the Close Rolls, Edward III 1333-1337. London: HMSO (1898)

Calendar of the Fine Rolls, Edward I 1272-1307. London: HMSO (1911)

Clay, J. W., (ed.), Testamenta Eboracensia or Wills Registered at York, vol. vi (1902)

Domesday Book [various editions]

Church Life in Georgian Nottinghamshire: Archbishop Drummond’s Parish Visitation Returns 1764, edited by H. Fisher (Thoroton Society Record Series, 46 (2012))

Inquisitions and assessments Relating to Feudal aids, 1284-1431, Vol IV, London: HMSO (1906)

Kelly’s Directory of Nottinghamshire 1922; 1936; 1941

Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Scaccarii, temp. Regis Edwardi III (Record Commission 1807)

Archbishop Herring's Visitation Returns, 1743, Volume IV, edited by S. L. Ollard and P. D. Walker (The Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series, lxxvii (1930))

Raine, J., (ed.), Testamenta Eboracensia or Wills Registered at York, vol. v (1884)

Religion in Victorian Nottinghamshire: The Religious Census of 1851, edited by M. R. Watts (University of Nottingham Centre for Local History Record Series, 7 (1988))

White’s Directory of Nottinghamshire (1832, 1885)

White, William, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Nottinghamshire (1832)

White, Francis and John, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Nottinghamshire 1844; 1853; 1864; 1893

Newspaper Articles

Dukeries Advertiser, 10/2/2006

Nottingham Evening Post, 12/5/1979

Nottinghamshire Guardian, various dates.

Retford Times, various dates.

Envelope of press cuttings, note from vicar c.1963 (Local Studies, Nottingham Central Library)

Secondary Sources

Chadwick, H., History of Dunham-on-Trent: with Ragnall, Darlton, Wimpton, Kingshaugh (1924)

Cox, J. C., The Churches of Nottinghamshire (1912)

Curtis, J., A Topographical History of Nottinghamshire (1844)

Dawson, G., Church Bells of Nottinghamshire, Part 1 (1994)

'Excursion 1907: Dunham, Whimpton Moor, Darlton', Transactions of the Thoroton Society, 11 (1907)

Guilford, E. L., Little Guide: Nottinghamshire (1927)

Le Strange, R. British Monumental Brasses (1972)

Pevsner, N., and Williamson, E., Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire (1979)

'The Twentieth Report of the Architectural Society for the Diocese of Lincoln', Associated Architectural Societies' Reports and Papers, Vol VII, Part I (1863)

Southwell Diocesan Magazine Vol. III NS Jan 1930 – Dec 1930 (1930)

Thoroton, R. (edited and enlarged by John Throsby), Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Republished, With Large Additions, by John Throsby; and Embellished With Picturesque and Select Views of Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, Towns, Village Churches and Ruins, 3 vols (1796)





