Worksop St John


Clock dial Clock mechanism Detail

The church clock was made in December 1892 by John Smith & Sons of the Midland Steam Clock Works in Derby. It strikes ding-dong quarters, once at the quarter, twice at the half and thrice at the three-quarters. The clock was placed in the tower as a thanksgiving for the church surviving a lightning strike in the summer of 1892.

The smaller chime bell was given as a gift to the church by William Crossley of Easterfield who had held the office of People’s Warden from 1889-1908. It was installed in memory of his father Mr Jabez Easterfield who had held the same office.

The church clock began operation at the stroke of midnight on 31 December 1892 just before a service given to mark the beginning of the New Year. It remained the custom for many years to hold a ‘watch night’ service at the church every New Year’s Eve.