Hickling St LukeOfficial Listing Description
The following are listed:
The Church
The Mann Tomb Chest
Effigy Base
Several groups of headsones
The Church
GV |
(east side)
Church of St Luke
Grade I |
Church. Predominantly C14, clerestory and porch C15, chancel rebuilt 1845, tower rebuilt 1873, general restoration 1886. Thinly coursed rubble with ashlar dressings. Ashlar tower. Lead roofs. West tower, 4-bay nave with lean-to north and south aisles and south porch. 3-bay chancel. Tall 3-stage tower with angle buttresses, 3-light west window, 2-light bell-chamber openings, decorative frieze and crenellated parapet. Embattled south porch. Two 2-light south aisle windows with cusped lights. Two 2-light north aisle windows with geometrical tracery and a simply moulded doorway. The chancel windows are of 2 and 3 lights with square heads, Perpendicular tracery and deep square hood moulds. The chancel is also embattled. Built into the west wall of the south aisle is an early C14 coffin lid with relief carving of naturalistic foliage growing from a cross with stepped base and foiled head. Interior: 4-bay north and south arcades with double-chamfered arches on octagonal piers with moulded capitals. Nave roof has massive quadrant moulded tie-beams, and some purlins are similarly moulded. Chancel arch on round responds which are slightly filleted. Piscina, south aisle, east end. Octagonal font with plain shields and angels under the bowl. The cover is simple with a re-cut centre piece dated 1665. Small poor-box on a pedestal, carved in raised letters in sunk panels on 3 sides:
HF 16 |
85 |
The south door has delicate C13, flowing ironwork. At the east end of the south aisle is an excellent mid C10 Saxon coffin lid with much interlace, a cross and 2 beasts. Bench ends with heads on the arms and in the poppy heads. A brass on the chancel floor of 1521 to Master Ralph Babington, rector. N Pevsner. The Buildings of England, 1979.
The Mann Tomb Chest
GV |
(east side)
Mann Tomb Chest -
immediately south-west
of tower of
Church of St Luke
Grade II |
Chest tomb to members of the Mann family. 1801. Limestone ashlar. Recessed, fluted, square corner piers. Moulded base, weathered top. Oval panels in each side with inscribed slate tablets. To: George Mann died September 20th 1826 aged 82 Mary, wife of George Mann died June 20th 1812 aged 67 William Mann, died May 26th 1801 aged 54 years.
Effigy Base south of west end of south aisle
GV |
(east side)
Effigy base approx.
10 metres south of
west end of south aisle
in Churchyard of
Church of St Luke
Grade II |
Effigy base. Mid to late C16. Limestone. Tapering rectangular base with shaped top. Raised Latin legend around sides:
"Here lies William Harrowden on whos soul may God have mercy. Amen."
Groups of headstones
GV |
(east side)
Headstones in Churchyard
of Church of St Luke,
a group immediately
west of south aisle
Grade II |
Headstones. Mainly C18. Slate.
1. Classical with flaming urns in the corners, to: John Collishaw d.1756.
2. Facing east, small with round-faced winged angel, to: Dosie Fawkes d.1727.
3. Facing east, small, to: Richard Faulkes d.1718 aged 10 years.
4. Inscribed on both faces both with a round-faced winged angel and raised letters, to: Edward Collishaw d.1732 and to: Rebekah wife of Edward Collishaw d.1749.
Facing west:
5. Small, with found-faced winged angel, to: Edward Collishaw Sen. d.1729.
6. With round-faced winged angel, to: Anne Collishaw d.1729 aged 20. Also, inscribed on the rear, to: John Collishaw d.1704 in his 24th year.
7. With a relief cherubs head in a sunk panel with relief foliage in the corners, to: John Collishaw d.1754 in his 88th year.
8. Plain, to John Collishaw d.1728. Also, inscribed on the rear to: Mary Collishaw d.1704 in her 61st year.
9. Tall, shaped, with circular panel containing a relief figure and with foliage decoration, to: Mary Collishaw d.1805.
10. Similar to above, to: Robert Collishaw d.1798.

GV |
(east side)
Group of headstones -
in Churchyard of
Church of St Luke
between south porch
and west side of tower,
south of porch
Grade II |
Headstones. C18. Slate. West to east:
1. Rectangular with round-faced winged angel, to: George Man d.1730.
2. Shaped, with moulded surround, to: Mary wife of Joseph Heath d.1748.
3. Rectangular, with moulded surround, to: William son of Thomas and Elizabeth Sax.
4. Shaped head, moulded surround, to: Francis Morris d.1758. Included for group value.
5. With 2 round-faced winged angels and raised letters, to: John son of Hugh and Margaret Gill d.1732 aged 19. Also to another son, Hugh, d.1732 aged 7 years.
6. Rectangular with large round-faced winged angel and raised letters, to: George Hives d.March 1st 1737/8.
7. Tiny, rectangular (broken), to: Anne daughter of John Hopk.. by Mary his wife d.1707 in her 1st year.
8. Rectangular, with large round-faced winged angel and raised letters, to: Margaret Gill d.1740.
9. Rectangular with moulded surround and ornate scrolled letters, to: William Gill d.1743.
10. Small, rectangular with round-faced winged angel, to: Hugh Gill d.1720 in his 5th year.
11. Small, rectangular, to: Hugh Gill d.1708 in his 51st year.
12. Rectangular with round-faced winged angel, to: Thomas Hardy d.1720 aged 48 years. Also Judith his wife d.1727.
13. Small, rectangular, with round-faced winged angel, to: Sarah wife of John Shuttlewood d.1724.
14. Rectangular with 2 round-faced winged angels, to: Elizabeth Hardy d.1728 in her 18th year.
15. Tall, with winged cherubs heads in top corners, ornate lettering, to: Ann wife of Robert Orson d.1759. Also 2 sons aged 3 weeks and 1 year.
16. Small, rectangular, to: Elizabeth child of Paul and Susannah Hardey d.1721 in her 6th year.
17. Rectangular with round-faced winged angel, to: John son of John James by Margaret his wife d.1719 aged 7 years.
18. Tall with arched, moulded panel, to: Henry James d.1746.
19. Small, tapering with round-faced winged angel and raised letters, to: Margaret wife of Joshua Man d.1730.
20. Rectangular with round-faced winged angel, to: Mary wife of John Daft d.1744.

GV |
(east side)
Two headstones -
approx. 10 metres
from south fence of
Churchyard of Church of
St Luke south-west
of south aisle
Grade II |
Two headstones. 1735 and 1737. Slate.
1. Rectangular with round-faced winged angel and raised letters, to: Elizabeth the wife of William Morely d.20th October 1735 in her 40th year. An excellent example of the type.
2. Large rectangular, with moulded surround and relief winged cherubs heads in the corners and bones and a skull in the bottom corners, also relief foliage decoration, to: Mary the wife of Thomas Stringer d.1737 aged 35 years.
GV |
(east side)
Headstones in Churchyard of
Church of St Luke,
south of south aisle
east of porch.
Grade II |
Headstones. C18. Mainly slate.
1. Small with top corners chamfered off and deeply incised letters to: Mary Robinson wife of Laurence Robinson d. November 12th 1701 aged 41 years.
2. Rectangular with round-faced winged angel and raised letters,to: Richard Smith d.1719.
3. Rectangular with 2 round-faced winged angels and raised letters, to: John Smith of Cropwell d. December 23rd in his 74th year (no year given).
4. Rectangular with 2 round-faced winged angels and raised letters, to: Margaret wife of Christopher Neal d.1734.
5. Rectangular with round-faced winged angel, flanked by two smaller angels in top left and top right corners. Dedicated to Samuel Morley, d.1738.
6. Tall, with shaped head, moulded surround and ornate scrolled lettering, to: Sarah wife of Joseph Daft d.1752.
7. Small, rectangular, with round-faced winged angel, to: John Barlow son of William Barlow by Sarah his wife d.1710 aged 25 years.
8. Limestone, segmental top with 2 relief heads and a raised oval panel and a raised rectangular panel below, to: John Musson d.1720.
9. Limestone, rectangular, moulded surround, relief scrolls at top, to: Mary Musson daughter of Thomas Musson by Alice his wife d.1717 aged 37 years.
A row of 7 larger stones, 4 with shaped head, all with finely cut incised lettering.
10. To: Mary wife of Wm. Wright d.1805.
11. To: John Butler d.1791.
12. To: Sarah, wife of George Morris d.1790.
13. To: George Morris d.1767.
14. To: Thomas Dodson d.1755.
15. To: John Morris the husband of Margaret Morris d.1749.
16. To: Mary, daughter of above d.1768 aged 25 years.
17. (By south fence). Small, rectangular with round-faced winged angel, to: Ann Musson d. June 13th 1755 in her 40th year.

GV |
(east side)
Headstones in -
Churchyard of
Church of St Luke,
a group approx.
4 metres west of tower
Grade II |
Headstones. Mainly early to mid C18. Slate.
1. A double stone, to: Stephen and Ann Mann both died 1752.
2. Plain, to: Mary Rasdal d.1762.
3. To: John Mann d.1789.
4. Fairly ornate, to: William Mann d.1759.
Facing east, 4 small stones.
5. With round-faced winged angel, to: Mary, daughter of Stephen and Ann Man d.April 20th 1735 aged 15 years. A good example of the type.
6. With round-faced winged angel and raised letters, to: Anne child of George Man by Mary his wife, d.1735, half a year old. An excellent example of the type.
7. Small with chamfered corners and a round-faced winged angel, to: William son of William Man Senr. and Mary his wife d.Aug. 30th 1742.
8. Small, limestone inscribed "the body of John Man son of Stephen and Elizabeth Man departed October 27 1698".
GV |
(east side)
Headstones in -
Churchyard of
Church of St Luke,
a group approx.
2 metres west of
the Mann Tomb Chest
Grade II |
Headstones. C18. Slate.
1. Facing east with a round-faced winged angel, to: Margrett Morris d.1723 in her 7th year. Inscribed on the back, to: Robert Morris d.1752.
2. Facing west, fairly plain with scrolled surround, to: Hannah Brampton d.1770.
3. Facing west, small,plain, to: Joseph Brampton d.1768.
GV |
(east side)
Headstone in -
Churchyard of
Church of St Luke
approx. 20 metres
south-west of
south aisle
Grade II |
Headstone. 1713. Slate. Two round-faced winged angels at top. The 1st memorial is in raised capitals, to: "Anne daughter of John Daft by Margaret his wife she died Mar ye 22 1713". Three further inscriptions to other children: Robert d.1719 aged 3 years Anne d.1719 Margaret d.1723 aged 4 years.