Hockerton St NicholasThe Okerton Inventory
The following inventory of church goods was compiled in 1552, as a result
of instruction by the Privy Council during
the reign of Edward VI.
The text of the Inventory:
This is the Inventorie off all the goodes
belongyng to the church off Okerton
presentyd by John Johnson John tayler
churchwardones John bronnell Thomas
Kytchyng Robert Wryght & John
Skort cl* the xix day off septembre
ao dni 1552 [anno domini]
Imprimis ii alt clothys [altar cloths]
Item one frontlet cloth off lynnen [frontal]
Item one corporas wt a caist [corporal with a case]
Item one chalice off sylu [silver]
Item ii candlestyk off latten [brass]
Item ii crowett off leade
Item iii towellt off play cloth [plain cloth]
Item one cope off tawney sattan [orange satin]
Item one westment off tawney dammack [damask?]
Item ii westment off croyles**
Item one cross off wood plated
Item one lanterne
Item iii bell in the steple
Item one great chyste [chest - the parish chest]
Item one surpless
Item a bible & a paraphreastes [Paraphrases of Erasmus]
Item one [difficult to decipher] [Homilies?]
John addames pson [John Addams, parson]
? Rushton
G. Pierpount Ja [James] Her... A. Nevyll
[the king’s Commissioners?]
*clericii = clerks
**croyles = crewel-work, embroidery with a design
worked in worsted on a ground of linen or cloth.
With thanks to The
National Archives.