Holme St Giles
The Porch and most of the dressed ashlar and carved stonework of the quoins
and buttresses, and in the window and door mouldings is yellow brown (when
weathered) ooidal and shelly limestone from Lincolnshire Limestone Formation
(middle jurassic). It is quite distinctive being very coarse grained with large
shells and rounded ooid grains. Where it is surface weathered it is possible
to see much of the internal sedimentary features such as worm burrows.
The gable wall fabric of the tower end includes large blocks of pale grey
skerry sandstone (Upper Triassic, Mercia Mudstone group) with Lincolnshire
limestone window mouldings. The tower, itself, is a mix of Lincolnshire limestone
with small thinly laminated wallstones of limestone from the Lias Group (Lower
Jurassic) and some skerry sandstone. The spire is Lincolnshire limestone.
The north wall of the nave is a similar mix of Lias limestone (new pale grey
blocks) and old slabby stone between the brick buttresses. The south wall is
ashlar blocks of Lincolnshire limestone throughout.
The chancel, in contrast, has on the north wall pale grey skerry sandstone
in the lower courses below the window and Lincolnshire limestone ashlar and
Lias limestone blocks above. The south wall is a mix of Lias limestone (lots
of newish grey Lias limestone repair with Lincolnshire limestone mouldings,strings
and buttresses. The window mouldings are,again, Lincolnshire limestone. The
stone buttresses include both Lincolnshire limestone and skerry sandstone blocks.
At the double-aisled gable end there is a mix of ooidal and shelly Lincolnshire
limestone, thinly bedded, laminated Lias limestone and new repair with thicker
pale grey lias limestone.
Thanks to Dr Graham Lott for this entry