South Muskham
St Wilfrid


The Terrier of 1936 describes the bells as follows:

1st bell: 1585 transcription Rafe Marshall (would be vicar)
                                           Peter Meryng (would be wardens)
                                           Henry Clotonne (variation of Clayton)
                                           Re-cast 1936

2nd bell: by John Daniel of London. The obliterated mark is really the royal Shield which Daniel used 1450-1470

3rd bell: 1878 Transcription ‘S. Katherine ora pro nobis’. John Taylor, Loughborough, founder.

Bell details from the National Bell Register []:

  Founder Date Size Weight
1 (Bell 3 in 1936 terrier)

Taylor & Co

1878 33.38’’ 7-0-15
2 (Bell 2 in 1936 terrier)


c1480 35.75’’ 8-1-0
3 (Bell 1 in 1936 terrier)

Taylor & Co

1936 37.50’’ 9-3-21

A survey by George Dawson published in the 1995 states:

‘Hung in a cast iron frame, set out for six bells with cast-iron headstocks and ball bearings, all dating from 1936 when Taylors re-cast the tenor and completely refurbished the ring.

The treble is by Taylors, in 1878 replacing, presumably, a medieval bell in the same style as the second bell. The dimensions of the old bell were 33.75’’ diameter and weighing 7.1.14 (374). The second bell is a London casting of the late 15th century and is the work of John Danyells’ successor who was working from circa 1470 to circa 1485. The Taylor tenor is a most interesting piece of work for it has on it a facsimile copy of the old inscriptions. These indicate that it was the work of Henry I Oldfield, but exceptionally he would have appeared to have reproduced the inscription from the previous medieval bell (375). This lettering is faint and the badge undecipherable unfortunately’.