Stapleford St Helen
Stapleford church does not now have a clock. It used to have one. In 1719 the churchwardens presented:
We the churchwardens have had our locks and doors of steeple belonging to our church of Stableford (sic) broke open and our clock spoiled and put out of order several times by John Ouldershaw and his son Isaac (not withstanding they have been discharged from meddling with them) and they [are] still continuing to meddle with our clock and door, we do hereby present them the said John Ouldershaw and Isaac Ouldershaw for the said crime.
The fact that they were meddling with the steeple door would seem to indicate that it was a turret clock ie in the tower, although there does not seem to be any indication of one having been fitted. However, repairs to the tower may have obscured the evidence. 1719 is quite early to have a clock. It would probably have been made by a local blacksmith or clock maker.