WysallHoly TrinityNottingham Archdeaconry East Bingham Deanery Introduction
Wysall is a village to the south east of Nottingham, close to the border between
Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire. The population stood at just over 300 in
In a prominent position to the south of the village stands Holy Trinity
Church, on which site a church has probably stood for over one thousand years.
There is some evidence that the church existed in Anglo-Saxon times. The Normans
built a church on this site in the 11th or 12th Century. Most of the
present building was erected around the 14th or 15th Century, the spire
perhaps being rather later.
Externally, the church stands much as it has done since that time. The buttress
at the southeast corner appears to be very untidy and suggests that some damage
had been caused to this section of the wall prior to the restoration of the
The Church has undergone several restorations and repairs in its long history,
all of which have combined to produce what has been rightly described as a “quite
charming” building.
Particular thanks to Alan Butler for research on this entry
and to Geoff Buxton for photographs