Caunton St AndrewOrgan
part of the restoration, the organ was
installed in 1871 through an arch on the north side of the chancel into the
north aisle chapel, with clergy vestry behind. It was supplied by the Manchester
firm of Edward Wadsworth for £150. In the following year they added new
Fifteenth and Gedackt stops for £20.
The organ has been maintained for many years by Cousans of Leicester. Its specification
is typical of organs supplied for small country parishes.
Tracker action, two manuals and pedal; manual compass CC to g (56 notes); pedal
CCC to E (30 notes), straight pedal board. Electric blower; hand blowing still
Great |
1. |
Open diapason 8' |
2. |
Rohr gedackt 8' |
3. |
Dulciana 8' |
4. |
Lieblich flute 4' |
5. |
Principal 4' |
6. |
Fifteenth 2' |
Swell |
1. |
Open diapason 8' |
2. |
Stopped diapason 8' |
3. |
Gemshorn 4' |
4. |
Hautboy 8' |
Pedal |
Bourdon 16' |
Couplers |
1. |
Great to Pedal |
2. |
Swell to Great |