South Leverton All SaintsOrgan
The organ, erected in 1910, was dedicated by Bishop Hoskyns. The initial cost was £375 half being paid by an Andrew Carnegie fund and half raised from donations by Mrs F E Clarke, the wife of the vicar. It was later electrified. It stands at the east end of the south aisle with the console on the Nave side.
One plate above the keyboard reads:
Tuning and maintenance by R Hind
Aistrup & Hind
Organ Builders
Lincoln 01522-526289 |
A second plate reads:
Est. 1854
The organ has two manuals. The stops are:
Great |
Principal |
4' |
Dulciana |
8' |
Open Diapason |
8' |
Gedackt |
8' |
Swell |
Zartflote |
4' |
Horn |
8' |
Viole d’Eglise |
8' |
Voix Celestes |
8' |
Rohr Gedackt |
8' |
Geigen Principal |
8' |
Pedal |
Flute |
8' |
Bourdon |
16' |
Couplers |
Swell to Pedal |
Swell to Great |
Great to Pedal |
The pipe rack has 5 pipes on each side and in the front 20 pipes, the longer pipes being 5 to left and 5 to right and 10 shorter in the middle.
Repair work was carried out in 1997.