Cotgrave All Saints
The church consists of west tower with spire, clerestoried nave, north and south aisles, north organ chamber, north vestry, north kitchen and toilet extension, south porch and chancel.
The vestry was added to the north chancel wall during the 1877-78 restoration and the adjacent organ chamber was built in 1899-1900. The organ was removed in 1988 and the space is now used as an office. The extension containing a kitchen and toilets on the north wall of the tower was added in 2012.
An arson attack in 1996 resulted in the destruction of much of the interior and tower timberwork.
All major roofs and timbers were renewed 1997-8.
The restoration of the church is commemorated by a circular slate plaque set into the floor of the nave. The inscription states:
'This church was severely damaged by fire on 9th May 1996 and is now recreated to the Glory of God and for the service of the community. This place, our spiritual home, is rededicated by Patrick, Bishop of Southwell. Bryan Barrodale and Sue Spencer are our priests. Fred Barber and Mick Kendrick are our churchwardens. John Cunnington is our architect. 14th December 1997.' |
Significant Features
 Earliest core fabric
is the late C12th chancel arch with waterleaf capitals
 Position of the chancel arch suggests the C12th nave was widened in the C13th
Medieval Cross Slab
At the south-east corner of the nave substantial quoins are visible, the lower ones removed to bond in the aisle wall – low down here and adjacent to the chancel wall is a fragment of slab.
(1) Fragment, much damaged. Enough survives to suggest a cross head of some variant on the four-circle form, the circles defined by several concentric incised lines. Probably 12th century.
Description and drawing of the cross slab fragment courtesy of Peter Ryder.
Technical Summary
Timbers and roofs
Nave |
Chancel |
Tower |
Main |

Was 1878, destroyed in 1996
and new roof built 1997 |

Renewed 1997 |
Timbers renewed 1997 |
S.Aisle |
1997 |
n/a |
n/a |
N.Aisle |
1997 |
n/a |
n/a |
Other principal |
All timber fittings 1997 |
All timber fittings 1997 |
All renewed 1997 |
Other timbers |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Cast-iron ‘H’ frame, Pickford Group 8.3, probably 1906 by Taylors
of Loughborough. Remodelled in 1984 to accommodate two further bells (6 to
Scheduled for preservation by recording Grade 4.
Nave |
Chancel |
Tower |
Plaster covering & date |
All renewed 1997 |
All renewed 1997 |
No plaster |
Potential for wall paintings |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Excavations and potential for survival of below-ground archaeology
Following the fire in 1996, and prior to the commencement of repair works,
an archaeological evaluation by the Trent and Peak Archaeological Trust in
1997 (report No. CAS/1104) revealed potential archaeology in the form of possible
foundations and floor deposits, both in the nave and in the tower at depths
of 300mm and 200mm respectively. The chancel floor, which was raised in the
C19th, had no indication of archaeological stratigraphy prior to that date
above 350mm (the maximum depth of disturbance).
Norman nave
foundations |
Composite plan of
deposits exposed by
the excavation and
watching brief (1999) |
nave and tower floors were subject to a detailed archaeological excavation
in conjunction with works of repair during 1997. The foundations of the Norman
nave were traced on the south side, and considerable evidence was found for
foundations in the tower, the west end of the nave and south-east corner of the nave which pre-date the current upstanding fabric.
The overall potential for the survival of below-ground archaeology in the
churchyard is considered to be moderate and
below the present interior floors (beyond what has already been excavated in
1997) is considered to be high.
Exterior:Primarily ecclesiastical
C12th-C20th, mainly human inhumation burials. Some possibility of domestic
deposits given the central location of the church within the settlement and
its known C12th origins.
Interior:Nave and tower to approx.
350mm known from 1997 archaeological excavations. Early foundations known to
exist and stratified later floor levels and related deposits. Similar evidence
likely below 350mm in chancel.
Walls:Core fabric C12-C15th. Further
evidence of C12th may be evident. Replastered 1997 with no opportunity for
archaeological recording (walls undamaged and unaffected by fire).