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East Bridgford St PeterFeatures and FittingsChancelAltar
Altar dates from the 1903-14 restoration. The top is formed of three blocks of stone; the central block is part of a medieval altar slab on which two crosses have been inscribed. It was found under the chancel floor during the restoration of the church in the early years of the twentieth century. Altar crossWood, twentieth century. Altar railPlain wood, twentieth century. ArmchairWood, twentieth century. Bier lightsTwo with turned wood shafts, twentieth century. CandlesticksTwo small standing ones, two altar ones, of turned wood, twentieth century. StoolsTwo of wood, date uncertain. Candle extinguisherBrass cone with rolled edge and patée cross finial. Sedilia in range with piscina
Fourteenth century with ogee heads, cylindrical shafts separating three seats and piscina. Pieces of the sedilia and piscina were discovered by the Rev Arthur Du Boulay Hill in his garden and other fragments were found during the rebuilding of the chancel. The sedilia and piscina were restored in 1903. AumbryBenches
Two rows to the north and the south sides. Both front rows with integral kneelers, bookrests and poppy heads, circa nineteenth/twentieth centuries. Clerk’s deskOne to north and one to south with armchair circa nineteenth/ twentieth centuries. BibleFull leather binding, printed and published 1813 by J Gleave, 196 Deansgate, Manchester. NavePulpit
Late eighteenth century with hexagonal drum, each facet having two shallow sunk panels, on hexagonal stem on a hexagonal plinth. A small brass plaque on the pulpit reads:
The girl was Grace Hooley, daughter of Edgar Purnell Hooley, County Surveyor, who lived at East Bridgford Manor. The East Bridgford Magazine of January 1908 recorded the work undertaken: 'The pulpit has been provided with a new and handsome oak base, and has itself been cleansed from its many coats of unsightly varnish, and repaired.' Lectern
CandlesticksTwo, of metal, twentieth century. Flower standMetal, twentieth century. BenchesWood of nineteenth century with closed panel backs, shaped ends with simple moulded edging. WandsFour churchwardens’ and vergers’ wands, two with brass mitre finials, and one with brass crown finial. Board
Board consisting of seven wooden panels, three with list of rectors, four with list of charities, mounted on the west wall of the nave. Royal Coat of Arms
LightingTwentieth century up-lighting on arcades. North AisleAltar
CandlesticksTwo flat brass candleholders, twentieth century. BenchesWood of nineteenth century with closed panel backs, shaped ends with simple moulded edging. BannerMothers’ Union twentieth century. ChairGlastonbury, undecorated. Prie dieuTwo wooden, dates uncertain. RoofWall posts decorated with escutcheons. KneelersDecorated with different symbols, twentieth century. South AisleReredos
Decorated with polyptych with top rail with tracery. CrossBrass altar cross with fleur de lys endings to arms. Remembrance standTwentieth century Book of Remembrance stand with desk top with glazed top with shelf uniting the four column legs. Credence table
Fragment of Anglo-Saxon cross forming the base of the credence table. ChairGlastonbury, undecorated. CandleholdersTwo twentieth century turned wood. CrossProcessional with cross head painted. Statuette
Statuette of Virgin and Child standing on wall bracket. CrossMetal Corpus Christi fixed on wood Latin cross. BenchesWood of nineteenth century with closed panel backs shaped ends with simple moulded edging. BannerProcessional banner of Mothers’ Union. Piscina
BookcaseMade in village in memory of Henry Russell, Rector’s Warden, 1962-65. Font
1663 with octagonal basin with decorated facets, octagonal shaft with alternate fleur de lys and tudor roses on facets, octagonal plinth. Formerly in Bingham church. FlagonBrass flagon for filling font. BannersTwo British Legion banners. Plans
Plans of the church at different periods, architect’s plan of 1913-14 and photocopy of enclosure plan. LightsFour twentieth century metal pendant lights. Door |